MySpace Music Playlist at

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


If i could invent a time machine, i would go back to the time when i missed the bus
orrrrrr way back to a time before the 99 folded
the only constant, change to time for me to see
apparent as it is, blind to my sight
stuck in darkness, i hold deeply
only to see there is nothing but emptyness to thee

♥God Bless You♥

You have been Blessed by the White Snow


Praises Sang At 9:12 AM

Jake Han (한이재)
1st wailed on 28/12/1990
Final Year at NYP - Diploma in Business Infomatics
Army life seems near.. yet so far..
Accept my life for who I am and have faith in whatever I do :D

♥Worship the Lord♥
To get an A grade for my FYPJ
Get A for IPP as well
Family and friends to be in the pink of health.
To grow in faith in the Lord
for u.
[pigu jas]
[Little chibi]

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